Krews, short for “Kotlin Reactive Workflows” is a framework for creating scalable and reproducible scientific data pipelines using Docker Containers piped together with Project Reactor, a mature functional reactive programming library.
Workflows are written using a Kotlin DSL in plain old Kotlin projects, meaning you get all the benefits of a modern, type-safe, functional language with fantastic tooling.
Quick Example¶
fun main(args: Array<String>) = run(sampleWorkflow, args) val sampleWorkflow = workflow("sample-workflow") { // Reactive "Flux" list object for the numbers 1 to 5 val range = (1..5).toFlux() task<Int, File>("base64", range) { dockerImage = "alpine:3.9" output = OutputFile("base64/$input.b64") command = """ mkdir -p /data/base64 echo "Hello World $input!" | base64 > /data/base64/$input.b64 """ } }
working-dir = /data/sample-workflow
Run command
java -jar my-app.jar --on local --config path/to/my-config.conf
Supported Platforms¶
- Google Cloud Life Sciences
- Slurm
- Local Docker (Single Machine)